Saturday 24 December 2011

Christmas 2011

Well Christmas has arrived.
Here are some shots of what our Sunday Club have done for
their Nativity This year. Instead of the Stations of the Cross they
have created the "Stations of the Nativity ".

Then there is a shot of the Crib Inside Church which is put together
by the children during the Crib Service on Christmas Eve.
This year we had around 150 people to the Crib Service !!!!!

Then there is a shot of the Crib I built and put outside the church
for all to see. The figures were drawn on the boards by the local
tattoo artist and the stable is made up of four old garden fences.
I painted the figures and Chris my son put a lacquer over them at
his car body workshop.

Monday 5 December 2011

Castleton Brass Concert

On Sunday 4th December we had our annual Concert in Church.
As with previous years we were entertained by Castleton Brass.
As last year it was a wonderful Concert and enjoyed by all who came.
Many Thanks to Castleton Brass and we all look forward to next year.
Sunday 2nd December 2012 3.30pm.

Church Bazaar

In November we held our annual Church Christmas Bazaar.
It was a fun day in the Needham Market Community Centre and
a nice amount of money was raised for church funds.
A big Thank you to all who worked so hard to make this event
succesfull once again.


Sunday 13 November 2011

Remembrance Day 13/11/2011

Here are a few photos of our Remembrance Day Service at Needham Market Cemetary.
The service in the church was very well attended with very close to 300 people in church for
the main service. They were standing in the alise's.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Harvest Supper

Here are some pics taken at this years Harvest Supper.
It was a great evening and thanks to all who took part in making
it such an enjoyable evening.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Harvest Flowers Oct 2010

Here are the photos I took of the wonderfull flowers that our Flower Arrangers did for this years
Harvest Festival. Bet you cannot spot which one I did ???
Sorry about the camera shake on some of them but that were taken with my phone.
