Saturday 24 December 2011

Christmas 2011

Well Christmas has arrived.
Here are some shots of what our Sunday Club have done for
their Nativity This year. Instead of the Stations of the Cross they
have created the "Stations of the Nativity ".

Then there is a shot of the Crib Inside Church which is put together
by the children during the Crib Service on Christmas Eve.
This year we had around 150 people to the Crib Service !!!!!

Then there is a shot of the Crib I built and put outside the church
for all to see. The figures were drawn on the boards by the local
tattoo artist and the stable is made up of four old garden fences.
I painted the figures and Chris my son put a lacquer over them at
his car body workshop.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jeff,
    The nativity inside and outside, told the story well,Thank you for having the idear for the outside one,and all who helped to create it.
    May be you might think of one for Easter?
    Take care,
    David J Sewell
